Tag: Writing

Contractions IT

This week we have been learning about apostrophies and contractions. Contractions are the word but shorter, they’re is an contraction of  They are, most of the times A or e or sometimes O get swapped with an apostrophe, it is another way to retell the word but shorter. Fun fact: AI doesn’t know what contractions are and always say the longer way of the word, AI attempt to say it but don’t understand, so if you don’t know what one is the AI listen to how it speaks. In this way you need to know what an apostrophe is, an apostrophe is this high thing ‘, its like a comma but in the air, you use it for Ownership, or an contraction. Most people forget to use them when their older, but their not as important as you think. Almost everyone says them without thinking, and almost everyone types them on something normally, you only learn them in primary school and people use them whenever. The apostrophe is not very used though and people usally put, Theyre. People should use them more though, their an easy way of saying something, you need to know about apostrophes before using contractions, young kids use them aswell but don’t even know what they mean, they’re small but a bit good to use, do you think we should learn about them more?.

Colour Poem – Green

Green Colour Poem by Indi

This term we have been doing a colour poem.We have had to write about a colour and describe about it. We had to make it into a video either using Canva or Google Slides. It has been fun. First we had to write a colour and then we had to write some stuff that are that colour.  After we had to go show Mrs Long she had to check it and make sure that it was good to go. Then she would print it and then we would make a Google Docs and write our colour and ideas. After that was when we had to do Canva or Google Slides I picked Canva because I thought it would be great to try somthing new.

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