Tag: Fake news article 2023

Fake News Article

This week we learn’t about the north west pacfic tree octopus. The north west pacfic tree octopus tend to take their name, they live in trees but the north west pacfic tree octopus are clealy not real. So as a task we got told to make a fake news article, so I made mine about Baby Giraffe War. The whole point of it was to make it as real as you can.  I tried making mine as real as possible, You can read mine. Its a bit hard to read but I hope you like it!.I really liked making mine because its enjoyable making a fake news article. I learn’t that don’t trust everything on the internet. I didn’t like how it was just a waste of time learning about the tree octopus. I can now create fake news articles whenever I want. Have you ever made a fake news article??.   https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NC8rBJA6s4F0SJ6eAlbIs2MYnXtirZNCnEUwuqtw1i0/edit?usp=sharing