Tag: 2024 Cybersmart

Public vs Private.

For our cybersmart challenge we had to find out what stuff should be private or public. In the photo you can see what I think should be private, or public. I think friends should be private cause you should get their permission, home address should be private due to people online, cause they could go to your house and rob it. The age bit is important because cause they could get your info and bully you cause of it. Work isn’t that important but I think you shouldn’t cause people could know where you live, bank account numbers are very important, they could log in and steal stuff. Full names are bad to say as people could track you, or use your identity. Phone numbers are bad aswell cause they could scam you, call you, or send you messages. Saying your gender is allowed cause they won’t be able to track you. Favorite food is fine cause like what I said they can’t track you, pets are okay they will know your pets but they can’t get loads of your info saying your pets. On the weekend stuff is fine as long as you don’t say loads of information about it. Do agree with this?.