Tag: 2024 Cross Country

Cross Country In The Mud

On May 14th we had Cross Country, a big problem happened when I thought it was cancelled and I didn’t bring my clothes! When I turned up at school I saw no one there until, I saw people coming into school grounds wearing their running clothes. After getting spare clothes, I realized that i’m not the only person who didn’t bring my running gear.

As soon as we had to leave to hop on the bus. I then ran to sit over with my friends, but all seats were taken so I had to sit somewhere else. After we arrived at Kokatahi School I realized there were multiple schools we were racing. That’s when I started to get nervous when watching the other year groups run… all of a sudden it was my turn to run.

I ran fast and when we got to the first pit it was getting muddy, I struggled to get through. I watched my friends speed up into the front group leaving me far behind. Then I looked to see another mud pit, this time it had way more mud, I also saw people right behind me or next to me, soon I lost my energy so I jogged until people over took me. At this point I started to speed up, then people ahead of me were gone I realized how far ahead they were.

When my first lap was finished me and a girl started talking we were doing the same speed and we got pretty far ahead of the other people. When we were almost done the race I sped up trying to over take her. My heart was pounding and I sped up until my energy was gone, I came third and my friends were there waiting for me.

We went over to get ourselves a sausage. The warmth filled my mouth and it had filled me up, after we turned up to school and my energy was regained. It was super fun, I loved seeing peoples speed.

Do you like cross country?.