Tag: 2024

Seahorse art Indi

Today we started doing our Summer Learning Journey activity, we got to pick if we wanted to do a shark or a seahorse. I personally did a seahorse because I like them more. This was very fun cause I enjoy art and enjoy showing how I do it, we had to watch the video to draw them. Here Is what I drew. I found this super fun. Have you done this yet?

Harold IT

This week we had Harold from life education, we were learning Resilence. Resilence is when you push through stuff, you are able to control what you do, and you will have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. A fixed mindset is when you think stuff is easy but it’s hard, you give up easily, and you get upset when people fix what you say. A growth mindset is when you keep going, control your emotions.When you have a fixed mindset you get a mix of all emotions, and hurt others around you. Did you know what resilence means?


   This week have been learning to use personification, we learnt it to make our own poems about a object, adding personification to it. Personification is where you add human like stuff to a thing that’s not breathing/living. Personification  can be used to make writing more intresting, or it can help build pictures, or describe something better/make people understand better. It also helps learn more description or words for describing. Heres an example, the snow raced down, the water swallowed the shoreline, the leafs danced like bellerinas. Here is my work, my poem is about a stream and sea, it was fun and a bit hard. Have you used personification in your writing?

Ai description.

This week we have been learning description, describing images, we used a special app, it adds a image we have to describe and ai generates what we wrote into a picture,  then it scores it. Today I only got 46%. It makes a new image everyday, and you have only 100 characters, and one image you can make a day, it gets quite hard to describe all of it in 100 characters. As it counts when its just one letter.It was very fun writing a description about it. Have you done it before?.

Contractions IT

This week we have been learning about apostrophies and contractions. Contractions are the word but shorter, they’re is an contraction of  They are, most of the times A or e or sometimes O get swapped with an apostrophe, it is another way to retell the word but shorter. Fun fact: AI doesn’t know what contractions are and always say the longer way of the word, AI attempt to say it but don’t understand, so if you don’t know what one is the AI listen to how it speaks. In this way you need to know what an apostrophe is, an apostrophe is this high thing ‘, its like a comma but in the air, you use it for Ownership, or an contraction. Most people forget to use them when their older, but their not as important as you think. Almost everyone says them without thinking, and almost everyone types them on something normally, you only learn them in primary school and people use them whenever. The apostrophe is not very used though and people usally put, Theyre. People should use them more though, their an easy way of saying something, you need to know about apostrophes before using contractions, young kids use them aswell but don’t even know what they mean, they’re small but a bit good to use, do you think we should learn about them more?.

Mystery Mammals.

For reading we’ve been learning about the Mysterious Mammals. Context, there were little stories of how random animals from New Zealand disappeared randomly, the Moa, Moose and the Bulla Moth. Starting with the Bulla Moth, a guy went camping one day, he saw a glimpse of something in the fire light before realizing it was a big moth. He went and killed it so he could get more information, after that it was instinct, but years later they found big caterpillars. Then moose, the moose went missing after New Zealand shipped moose here, they thought people over the world would come and pay to hunt them, instead people hunted them and killed them all. The last place one was heard was in Fiorland for the last time before they were gone. One day a girl went outside she told her dad how she was chased by a big bird, her dad didn’t believe her. But one day he went outside and saw big bird footprints. Then the last time the girl saw the Moa was when she was on the beach. I summarised these into this. In 1880 a 7 year old went outside, she saw a huge bird chasing her. She told her dad, he finally saw big footsteps, then she realised it was a moa. Infomation about the Bulla Moth. Its new Zealand’s biggest moth. Its attracted to street lights on moist nights. The last one that’s been caught was over 120 years ago. We have been learning to summarise these as a new reader skill. Do you think these mammals are still alive?