Soccer forever.

Today some people went to Cass Square to play soccer. Something lucky was that I was in the team with all my friends.  There were about 350 kids which was quite a lot, there were also 40 teams, and 13 schools. The first school we were competting with was Kokatahi, we won with 5 – nil. After that game we versed Karoro this time it was harder, we won with 2-1.

That was super challenging as we struggled to get the ball off them. Next we versed Barrytown and we lost as we versed year 7 and 8s. After having a challenging game our streak was starting again, we versed St Marys and won with maybe 2- nil. After we versed all the other schools we won all apart from one, it was super fun and I thought my team did good. We had gotten a streak of 5, at first my legs were sore, then I started running around again. Do you like playing soccer?.

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