Month: May 2024

Soccer forever.

Today some people went to Cass Square to play soccer. Something lucky was that I was in the team with all my friends.  There were about 350 kids which was quite a lot, there were also 40 teams, and 13 schools. The first school we were competting with was Kokatahi, we won with 5 – nil. After that game we versed Karoro this time it was harder, we won with 2-1.

That was super challenging as we struggled to get the ball off them. Next we versed Barrytown and we lost as we versed year 7 and 8s. After having a challenging game our streak was starting again, we versed St Marys and won with maybe 2- nil. After we versed all the other schools we won all apart from one, it was super fun and I thought my team did good. We had gotten a streak of 5, at first my legs were sore, then I started running around again. Do you like playing soccer?.

Our blue planet.

For this weeks reading we were learning about the water. In the book the sub headings are about, magic water, water cycle and taking care of our water. Water can be a liquid, solid or gas. Water is a liquid, Snow is a gas and hail / Ice is a solid. The water cycle goes around in circles till it goes back to starting spot and repeats. The way it cycles is made by temperatures / how far the sun is, or weather. Is snow a gas, liquid or solid?.

3D shapes and 2D shapes.

For maths this week we have been figuring out differences between 3d shapes and 2d shapes. We also made 3d cubes using, paper, tape, and scissors. Making the nets are hard but after making them they get pretty easy, the differences of 2d and 3d are, 2d shapes have one face that reflects on the other side, making it look like it has 2 faces. 3d shapes have faces all around on the, top, bottom and sides, but for some 3d shapes they only have the bottom, and sides.( Our cubes aren’t the dice below but they look similar but paper made.) Some people made them like dices by adding numbers, they would also roll them around and use them for games. Have you made a cube?.

Public vs Private.

For our cybersmart challenge we had to find out what stuff should be private or public. In the photo you can see what I think should be private, or public. I think friends should be private cause you should get their permission, home address should be private due to people online, cause they could go to your house and rob it. The age bit is important because cause they could get your info and bully you cause of it. Work isn’t that important but I think you shouldn’t cause people could know where you live, bank account numbers are very important, they could log in and steal stuff. Full names are bad to say as people could track you, or use your identity. Phone numbers are bad aswell cause they could scam you, call you, or send you messages. Saying your gender is allowed cause they won’t be able to track you. Favorite food is fine cause like what I said they can’t track you, pets are okay they will know your pets but they can’t get loads of your info saying your pets. On the weekend stuff is fine as long as you don’t say loads of information about it. Do agree with this?.

Cross Country In The Mud

On May 14th we had Cross Country, a big problem happened when I thought it was cancelled and I didn’t bring my clothes! When I turned up at school I saw no one there until, I saw people coming into school grounds wearing their running clothes. After getting spare clothes, I realized that i’m not the only person who didn’t bring my running gear.

As soon as we had to leave to hop on the bus. I then ran to sit over with my friends, but all seats were taken so I had to sit somewhere else. After we arrived at Kokatahi School I realized there were multiple schools we were racing. That’s when I started to get nervous when watching the other year groups run… all of a sudden it was my turn to run.

I ran fast and when we got to the first pit it was getting muddy, I struggled to get through. I watched my friends speed up into the front group leaving me far behind. Then I looked to see another mud pit, this time it had way more mud, I also saw people right behind me or next to me, soon I lost my energy so I jogged until people over took me. At this point I started to speed up, then people ahead of me were gone I realized how far ahead they were.

When my first lap was finished me and a girl started talking we were doing the same speed and we got pretty far ahead of the other people. When we were almost done the race I sped up trying to over take her. My heart was pounding and I sped up until my energy was gone, I came third and my friends were there waiting for me.

We went over to get ourselves a sausage. The warmth filled my mouth and it had filled me up, after we turned up to school and my energy was regained. It was super fun, I loved seeing peoples speed.

Do you like cross country?.